About Us

“In the contemporary urban environment, regions where residents lack adequate access to healthy foods are commonly referred to as ‘food deserts.'”(Widener, Metcalf, et al. 2012)

Food for Thought: Students Empowered to Overcome the Realities of Food Deserts - The Lincoln Center for Family and Youth

We are a group aimed to help the Boston community feel good by eating good. We recognize there is not enough access to healthy affordable food, especially fresh produce in many urban areas, leaving numerous people limited to grocery shopping at convinces stores. Additionally, “research has shown that maintaining a healthy diet contributes to disease prevention and overall quality of life.”(Widener, Metcalf, et al. 2012) In other words, when people are lacking  basic overall nutrition, their quality of life declines. We aim to spread awareness, as well as provide possible solutions to this nationwide issue.

Possible solution

  • Creating your own small garden (could be inside in your house/ apartment if no availability outside)



Widener, M. J., Metcalf, S. S., & Bar-Yam, Y. (2012). Developing a mobile produce distribution system for low-income urban residents in food deserts. Journal of urban health: bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 89(5), 733–745. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11524-012-9677-7 

Malnutrition Effects in Low Income Communities