Younger Kids Impacted

Children are impacted by this as well as high school students. Younger children need good food to fuel their brains and allow them to focus and have energy to learn and grow. It is important that everyone gets food education and it is especially important that healthy food is actually being eaten. Access to healthy food should be for everybody not just people in rural areas.

In a study they found that 63% of 4th grade students in nonurban school areas in the nation reach the basic reading level but in urban areas only 43% of students reach the reading level (Ravitch, 1998).  In high-poverty urban schools, only 23% of 4th graders can meet that minimum. The difference between the rates are so large and concerning, we should be working a lot harder as a community to make sure that everyone is provided with proper education, which includes access to fuel (food) to do that. 

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